Tuesday, 12 February 2013


~February 11 2013~
heheheheh. its cny alreadyyyyyyy. :D collecting angpaos and having a fun time with cousins cos this year is also another near-to-a-full-force year again cos ah hua gotta work so he left earlyyyyy. :( being a super guai girl cos im not gambling this year. ^^ LOL. i should just ignore my life as a sec 4 aside~~~~~~~ and.... omg. wait. its 11 Feb already?! its..... 4 more days to [開,房間] !!!! yayyy!!!! hopefully i have got videos to watch!!!^^ okok. shall blog till here~~~~~~ pictures next time!!!!! byebye! :D
姐姐,聽到你要在年底結婚的喜訊我真的感到非常高興。你知道嗎?自從我懂事以來,一直很喜歡也很想和你們相觸的每一分每一秒。你們帶給我了很多喜怒哀樂,很多笑容,很多淚水。你們是我最最最珍惜的一群人。小時候妳教我鋼琴,那些回憶到現在還像昨天發生一樣!很多人說我們倆很像親姐妹,我覺得很開心。因為,我們真的很像啊~~~ 長大后,能看到你的機會越來越少。妳開始工作后,難得見一次面,週末也不去聚會了。我只能抱著在過年過節的時候看到你(們),有時候週末時或者我去你家時看到你,有時只是那幾秒或幾分鐘,那就偷笑了。很祝福你和替你高興因為,you finally found your Mr Right. 呵呵~ 我想.... 這樣能看到你的機會,又變少了~ 呵呵~
xoxo. Li Wen~ :D