Sunday, 18 January 2009

Total Defence Day blogging competetion


Dragonfruit tree with no fruits. :)

The papayas are not ripe yet.

A papaya tree from my great-grandmother's house. :)
A tree from my great-grandmother's house.

I would defend the Singapore's trees and greenery aspects because Singapore was famous all over the world for being clean and green and it is often known as 'Garden City.' Greening Singapore was a project started by our Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew who realised the importance of plants to the environment. So I think we should uphold the name 'Garden City' so that Singapore can even be a unique country. I would defend them by keeping Singapore green by trying not to litter.

1 comment:

--PeinixD- said...

Great post Li Wen I hope you can do better ^-^