Thursday 7 June 2012

~Thursday 7 June 2012~
hahahah! hi again~ blogging at 2.43am. why? cos..... i wanna share something. hahahah! too late already, nobody to go crazy to.
the link above!!!!! a new movie i wanna watch!!!! BBS 鄉民的正義!!!!!!! wo yao kan!!!! omggggg!!! at first i thought only got guo xue fu. then i saw, xiu jie kai, chen yi han and and and chen bo lin!!!!! ohmygod~~~~~ though idk whats BBS. im guessing its an online game like audi. xD hahahahah!!!! i want to watch lahh!!!!!! hope that it would be aired in sg~~~~~ woooooo~~~~~~ hahahahah!!! i heard that there is actually another version of this movie, with totally different casts. 0.o then they changed everything including the director i think........ and many said the trailer for the previous version is more exciting than this.... i saw the previous version de version. it is indeed exciting!!! but its like 6 mins long, and the current version is like 1 min plus? so maybe they say previous version even more interesting because they showed more of the show? maybe. hahahahah!! but then like that you go cinema, the newer version more surprises right? older version showed 5 mins more of what they are showing in the cinemas alreadyy. if you get what i meant. hahahaha!!! i think i should stop here~ hahahah! waiting for my video to convert finish. hahahah! k. bye!

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